Our team visited the Children’s Education Center in Saarbrücken-Malstatt, where we presented a €600 donation check from KiM to Kinderhilfe Saar e.V. in support of the “Early Breakfast for Elementary School Children” project.
. Dort überreichten wir den KiM-Spendenscheck über 600 € an die Kinderhilfe Saar e.V. zur Unterstützung des Projekts „Frühes Frühstück für Grundschulkinder“.
In 2009, the Diakonie Saar, together with Kinderhilfe e.V. Saar, introduced a free breakfast service at the KIBIZ in Saarbrücken’s Malstatt neighborhood, as many children come to school without breakfast or snacks. The costs of this service are fully funded by donations. Currently, twelve volunteers rotate shifts starting at 7 a.m., preparing sandwiches and distributing them with fruit to the children.
We would like to thank the kids at KIBIZ for the lovely picture they painted for us. The gift will have a special place in our KiM kitchen. We also express our gratitude for the important work being done by these institutions and volunteers.
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