Realistic 3D visualization and interactive assembly of models in a web browser: The 3D configuration allows for intuitive and simple assembly via drag & drop or point & click. The user can decide which of the two application options is the most user-friendly for them.

In the 3D area, free navigation—zooming, panning, and rotating the camera—creates a realistic representation from multiple perspectives.

Viewer 3D: Additional Highlights of 3D Visualization

  • Measuring: Measure the diagonal between two points in 3D
  • Dimensioning: Automatic via bounding box
  • Section Representation: Dynamic cross-sections on the CAD model
  • Material Library: Physically accurately calculated materials
  • Programming Interface for Customization: Customizable default values

Viewer 3D Plus: New Features of 3D Configuration

  • Individual placement of parametric cutouts
  • Individual placement of graphics and text
  • Colorable CAD model